Anthony Law Group

Can You Sue a Business Partner?

Help With Business Dispute Resolution While no one starts a business relationship with the intent of souring the relationship and suing their partner, sometimes doing just that is the only possible remedy to protect yourself and avoid further conflict. This is especially true if the partner in question has harmed your reputation or your business’ reputation or has taken some other action to undermine the

I Have a Business Partner That is Committing Fraud.

Commercial Lease Disputes

What to do When Your Business Partner is Committing Fraud In general, a partnership is designed to ensure that all parties share wins and losses equally. This includes making decisions that are for the best of all partners, not just for a single individual. In many cases, this form of business works quite well. In others, however, things can quickly sour and put the business

Dealing with a Bad Business Partner

Judicial Process of Probate

I have a business partner that is not including me in the key decisions. Establishing a business can be quite difficult, and partnerships are often easier to enter into than incorporating. With that said, there are also some caveats that can make this option less than desirable. It is important to understand your rights as well as how to enforce them if you find yourself

How to Handle a Property Dispute With Your Neighbor

Arizona Property Dispute

My Neighbor Has Built a Wall That Crosses Over the Property Line Few things cause the level of conflict that property line disputes manage to create. The frustration is easy to understand. Homeowners want every inch of their property to be usable, and someone encroaching on that space is concerning. What can be done if your neighbor builds a wall that crosses over the property

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Anthony Law Group