Understanding the Six Types of Fraud in Business

Understanding Fraud in Business

ARIZONA’S TRUSTED BUSINESS ATTORNEYS, WITH EXPERIENCE THAT SPANS OVER TWO DECADES As a motivated business owner, what would you say you prioritize daily? Talent retention and consistent growth? What about a good reputation and carefully protected assets? Across all industries, fraudulent activity has numerous subtle warning signs that you might miss. The information below covers the six main types of fraud in business settings as

Tips for Small Business Owners in Phoenix, AZ

Partnership Disputes

Compliance Tips for Small Business Owners in Phoenix, AZ If you own a small business, you’re well aware of the complexity of state and federal labor laws, and the liability they pose if you’re not compliant. When you consult a small business attorney in Phoenix, AZ, about employment law compliance you’re protecting both your business and your employees. At Anthony Law Group we maintain a team

Can a Quitclaim Deed Be Contested? Everything You Must Know

Can a Quitclaim Deed Be Contested?

Can a Quitclaim Deed Be Contested? When you transfer ownership of a piece of property, you need to ensure the legality and accuracy of the deed transference. If you suspect something amiss in a property transfer, you might want to challenge a quitclaim deed. Can a quitclaim deed be contested? What does the legal process look like for the contesting party? Anthony Law Group, Scottsdale’s

Understanding Employer Obligations for Remote Employees in Arizona

In today’s evolving workforce, many employees work remotely, which allows them to work for companies around the world instead of just within their region. Hiring remote workers or independent contractors can create significant opportunities for your business. However, you must abide by certain employer obligations for remote employees according to state laws. Discover how Arizona employment laws apply to your remote workforce in this helpful

What Does Due Diligence Mean in a Real Estate Contract?

Real Estate Lawyer in Phoenix

What Does Due Diligence Mean in a Real Estate Contract? Just what does due diligence mean in a real estate contract? If you are looking to purchase residential or commercial properties in Arizona, that becomes a pivotal question. Anthony Law Group’s real estate lawyers in Phoenix, AZ, break down the purpose and process surrounding due diligence below. You’ll also find out what to expect when

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Anthony Law Group

Anthony Law Group