Category: Business Contracts
Types of Contracts in Business – A Comprehensive Guide
Understanding the Different Types of Contracts in Business Navigating the business world involves creating and signing various kinds of legal agreements. From signing a lease for your commercial space to hiring vendors for different services, you need to know about the many types of contracts in business. Anthony Law Group, a distinguished business lawyer in Phoenix, AZ, is here to break down everything you need to
What Are the 4 Types of Breach of Contract- Legal Insights
Understanding the Different Types of Breach of Contract Did you honor a contract, but the other party failed to uphold its end of the deal? A breach of contract carries significant consequences for the wronged party if they don’t pursue justice. But you can take legal action to protect yourself from the fallout. Anthony Law Group’s contract lawyer in Phoenix, Arizona, outlines the different types
Do I Need a Lawyer to Sell My Business in Arizona?
Are you considering selling your company? You’re probably wondering, “Do I need a lawyer to sell my business?” As a business lawyer in Phoenix, the Anthony Law Group can help broker the deal. How To Sell Your Business The business sale process can feel complicated, but the vast majority of small business sales use the following steps. Decide To Sell Do not decide to sell your business too
Employee Classification Guide for Arizona Business Owners
Employee Classification Guide for Arizona Business Owners Starting a new business in Arizona takes lots of organization and effort. Your excitement about this venture can potentially cause you to forget to adhere to federal or state laws concerning employees. These regulations have significant influence over how you hire and compensate your employees. Anthony Law Group’s business lawyer in Phoenix, Arizona offers guidance on how to navigate
Tips for Settling Common Business Partnership Disputes
Business partnerships hold great promise but disputes between partners can occur that threaten success. Swift resolution is vital for maintaining productivity. Discover seven essential strategies to settle common business partnership disputes before they escalate. Establish a Comprehensive Partnership Agreement: A detailed partnership agreement is crucial for a harmonious relationship. It delineates the parties’ rights, responsibilities, and dispute resolution mechanisms, which will hopefully allow conflicts to
Preventing Trade Secret Theft & Employees Poaching Your Customers
Unfortunately, customer poaching and trade secret theft are all too common in the United States. Unscrupulous competitors and employees resort to these illegal tactics to bolster their profits and undermine their rivals. However, businesses can take legal measures to curb fraudulent activities. Fraudulent competitive practices manifest in various ways, including: Departing employees who reach out to their former client contacts Executives defecting to competing companies,
As proprietors of private corporations, founders often accidentally create contention among current and would-be owners. The legal professionals at Anthony Law Group are familiar with the disputes that arise within partnerships, organizations or LLCs due to misunderstandings over an individual’s share in the company because of their involvement during its formation and early success. A common situation occurs when friends or family offer their services
Key Elements of a Construction Contract Agreement
Top 5 Key Elements of a Contract It’s nearing the end of a hectic workday, and you’ve been handed an intimidatingly long construction contract agreement to review and analyze before end of the workday. With next to no window for completion, efficiently determining which parts should be reviewed first is vital. But where do you start? Divide and Conquer Drafting a contract is an intricate
Do you need help navigating a strained partnership in your business? Or are you worried that your business partner may try to remove you from the company? In this article, we will dive deep into the most frequently asked questions by business partners experiencing disputes and provide you with helpful answers. Can My Business Partner Push Me Out? In most situations, you cannot be ousted
Why Hire a Business Lawyer?
Hiring a business lawyer is essential to understand the variety of legal issues impacting your company and your industry. A lawyer with experience in your field of work can help prevent issues from arising and give you peace of mind knowing that someone has your best interests at heart. Here are some benefits of having an experienced business law firm on your side. Intellectual Property