Dealing with a Bad Business Partner
I have a business partner that is not including me in the key decisions. Establishing a business can be quite difficult, and partnerships are often easier to enter into than incorporating. With that said, there are also some caveats that can make this option less than desirable. It is important to understand your rights as well as how to enforce them if you find yourself
Neighbor Easement Problems? Everything You Need to Know
My Neighbor is Claiming That He Has an Easement That Crosses Over My Property Most property owners believe that they can use their land for anything they would like as long it is within the bounds of the law. One important potential exception is an easement. Whether the easement is from a residential neighbor or a commercial one, there are certain things to be aware
How to Handle a Property Dispute With Your Neighbor
My Neighbor Has Built a Wall That Crosses Over the Property Line Few things cause the level of conflict that property line disputes manage to create. The frustration is easy to understand. Homeowners want every inch of their property to be usable, and someone encroaching on that space is concerning. What can be done if your neighbor builds a wall that crosses over the property